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The Gangway, The Waterfront Promenade, Esbjerg City Park

The Gangway (Landgangen) forms a link between the harbour and the city by means of a long walkway with several vantage points.

What you can experience

The vantage points along The Gangway (Langangen) include glass in their construction so that also children have an unobstructed view.

From Landgangen you can get an impression of the maritime history of Esbjerg with an impressive view of Dokhavnen. The walkway to the harbour across the road functions as a drawbridge. On the harbour side you can stroll along Østre Dokvej if you wish to get closer to the harbour.

At the road, Havnegade, you can walk along The Waterfront Promenade (Havnepromenaden). You can also make a detour to the city park, Esbjerg Bypark, which has a well-attended playground, an open air stage, and public toilets.

Tips and tricks

Take a rest on a bench and enjoy the sounds from the city and the harbour as they mix with the bird song in the tree tops.

Experience Landgangen by starting at Havnegade or at Østre Dokvej.

Get there

Address and transportation

Address: Havnegade 45-51, Esbjerg.

Parkering: Esbjerg City.