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Book in advance

Some shelters and cabins are possible to book in advance. Some of these places can be reserved through the platform called Brug Esbjerg whereas other need to be booke by phone or email. 

You booking options

The portal Brug Esbjerg allows you to reserve some outdoor facilities. You need to create an account and log in.


You can get permission to use these shelters and cabins for bonfires from MYRTHUE - Nature and Cultural Communication Centre:

If you wish to spend the night or use the facilities for a larger event during the day or in the evening, you need to make a reservation in advance. If you stop by for a shorter visit, you are welcome if it is not in use already. 

Groups with a reservation have the right to use the place. More than one group can share the area if all parties agree on it.


Please call the main office at  MYRTHUE - Nature and Cultural Communication Centre to make a reservation. 
You will find the phone number and office hours in the contact box at this webpage. 

During the summer holidays

During the summer all locations owned by MYRTHUE are without booking. You can use them if they are vacant. It is a first-come, first-served policy.