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The East Forest - Østskoven

Østskoven (The East Forest) is a new forest in Esbjerg. The forest area was first planted from the mid 1980s to give residents of East Esbjerg better opportunities to experience and use nature.

What you can experience

In Østskoven you can discover up to 40 different types of trees and shrubs that have been planted for the benefit of both visitors and, of course, animals and birds. In the autumn, the forest’s natural larder offers up delicious fruits and berries such as wild apples, sloes, rowan berries and blackberries. And in the winter, the mixture of deciduous and coniferous trees makes it possible to find shelter or play ‘hide and seek’ in the forest.

You can see traces of history in this area right back to ancient times. Archaeologists have found remains of villages and farms, of which the oldest are from the Neolithic age of around 4000 years ago. By the east entrance to the forest, you can visit Esbjerg Municipality and Esbjerg Museum’s exhibition centre and gain knowledge of the many archaeological finds.

Tips and tricks

There are both log cabins and barbeque areas in Østskoven, which make the forest a pleasant site for an excursion all year round.

For example, make a thermos of hot chocolate and some bread dough to make bread twists over a campfire.  

You can see evidence of remains of ancient houses if you walk down the marked path of 3.5 km.

Remember to take wellington boots with you in the winter as the path can be very muddy.

In the vicinity

During the winter months you can drop by the ice rink on the square in Esbjerg and enjoy the cosy atmosphere and the energetic fun on the ice.

You can also visit the Main Library, which has plenty of space for individual contemplation or in the company of others.

Get there

Address and transportation

Address: Drive along Storegade, turn right at Søndre Tovrupvej and then left at Grønnegårdsvej.

Parkering: You can park your car at Jordens Dag Pladsen to the left at Grønnegårdsvej.